List of Recommended Books

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5 6 7

Level Author Title
4 Vladimir Vukovic
Art of Attack: Rev. Algebraic Ed.
4 A. Kotov
Alexander Alekhine
4 C.J.S. Purdy
Purdy on the Endgame (C.J.S. Purdy Gold Chess Series)
4 Lajos Portisch
Six-Hundred Endings
4 Jeremy Silman
The Amateur's Mind: Turning Chess Misconceptions into Chess Mastery
4 Jeremy Silman
How to Reassess Your Chess: The Complete Chess-Mastery Course
4 Jeremy Silman
The Reassess Your Chess Workbook
4 John Nunn,
Joe Gallagher,
John Emms,
Graham Burgess
Nunn's Chess Openings (Everyman Chess Series)

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5 6 7