List of Recommended Books

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4 5 6 7

Level Author Title
3 Bill Robertie
Basic Endgame Strategy: Kings, Pawns, Minor Pieces (Road to Chess Mastery)
3 Irving Chernev
The Most Instructive Games of Chess Ever Played
3 Harry Golombek
Capablanca's Best Games
3 Irving Chernev
Capablanca's Best Chess Endings
3 Alexander Alekhine
My Best Games of Chess, 1908 - 1937
3 Macon Shibut
Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory
3, 4 Graham Burgess, et al
Mammoth Book of the World's Greatest Chess Games: Improve Your Chess by Studying the Greatest Games of All time, from Adolf Anderssen's 'Immortal' Game to Kramnik Versus Kasparov 2000
4 Reuben Fine
Ideas Behind the Chess Openings

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4 5 6 7