Books and articles written by Aleksandr Kitsis

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"CHESS, Step by Step: From Beginner to Champion"

How should someone approach learning chess? What information should be learned first? What knowledge is important at each stage of development of chess mastery? National Chess Master Aleksandr Kitsis provides the answers in his "Chess, Step by Step: From Beginner to Champion" series which consists of several volumes and is designed to guide readers, step by step, along the path of consistent chess improvement. Each volume of "CHESS, Step by Step: From Beginner to Champion" is broken down into chapters suitable for classroom instruction. Using thoroughly explained examples and many follow up exercises, Kitsis helps young players of the game build a solid foundation for lifelong enjoyment of and progress in chess.

BOOK-1 (2nd edition) explains the moves and rules of the game as well as basic checkmate strategies. Lessons are illustrated by thoroughly explained examples and more than 600 exercises and puzzles. Click here to order at Amazon

Over 1100 exercises in the BOOK-2 provide ample practice in tactics, specifically in Trapping, Double Attack, Discovered Attack, Pin, Skewer, Back Rank and Overloading. The Book also introduces players to chess notation, the rules of developing pieces and basic endgame strategies. Whether you want to play chess recreationally, hone your mental skills, or develop into a tournament player, this book will increase your understanding and enjoyment of one of the world’s greatest games. Click here to order at Amazon

This volume, Book-3, aims to further improve the reader's mastery in all three phases of the game - opening, middle and endgame, with the main emphasis on combinations. The material covered in this book is reinforced by 1100 examples and exercises. Players who complete the book will build a solid knowledge of the fundamentals of tactics and a strong foundation for continued improvement in chess. Click here to order at Amazon
